Post 4: A Time travel to the future


The time travel it's a topic I really like and makes my mind get wild, I mean who knows what's going to happen in thousands of years in the future, maybe some weird species evolve or maybe the human species are extinct, there are endless possibilities after all the time it's supposed to be infinite so there's no limit how far in the future I could go.

I would personally go to a time where the fast space travel exists if I could. This way I can explore the vast universe that we can see al nights. I really love the idea about how tasty the food will be in the future, the fact that exist the possibility of them having a different "taste organ" sounds amazing to me. 

If I have the ability to do time travel, I probably wouldn't stay in one specific time, I mean, there are so many possibilities, so many experience I could have, so many places I could explore and so many creatures I could try to have a conversation with, I say "try" because who knows if they even talk.

There's also the possibility that I can go to the past and meet the dinosaurs and the enormous insects that where around them at the time, or maybe they do convergent evolution and reappear in the future, as I say before the
possibilities are endless.


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