Now that I have almost 2 years studying chemistry, I can think in at least 2 things I would change from my programme. The first point I would change is the short amount of time that the math teachers give us to end the evaluations. If I had more time to work on my math exercices I probably would pass the subjects in a esasier and less stressing way. The second point I would change is the way some teachers coordinate their subjects, there are some people in this faculty that use programs from way back in the day, I can imagine that maybe they teach us with the same progam their teachers use many years ago. The other thing I would suggest is about the percentage of students that can enter in many not obligatory subject, if you didn't rush in the incription process you probably woud not enter in the subject you want. Without this small things I mentioned before, I believe our programme would be a lot better and less stressing for us the students. The other problem I can think o...
Since i was young, i always wanted to work in the area of molecular gastronomy, because of that i thought that a pretty good startup was to study chemistry before i start with my dream to be the best molecular chef in chile. I think the most needed skill in the gastronomy area is to be creative and know what your'e doing, it takes a lot of study and time to know all you need to do not dissapoint a customer. I don't really care that much about salary because when I am at the kitchen i feel like i can do anything and that sensation it's priceless. I'm thinking about taking a major in molecular gastronomy at "Culinary" wich is the best cuisine school in chile. But even with a major at the area i must keep learning about the science behind all the things we eat, that is what keeps me moving foward in the path of science and gastronomy. I mean, don't you think it is amazing how things like vegetables can become the most beautiful experience of flavor that you e...
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